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 In response to escalating security concerns at the U.S.-Canada border, Congressman Nick Langworthy has introduced the Northern Border Security Enhancement and Review Act (H.R. 8734), aimed at increasing oversight and accountability from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

“Our northern border, the world’s longest unsecured border, poses a major threat to our national security, with hundreds of thousands of unidentified individuals streaming into our communities every year,” said Congressman Langworthy. “The Biden Administration’s neglect has left us completely vulnerable —that’s why I introduced the Northern Border Security Enhancement and Review Act to hold the Department of Homeland Security accountable and ensure they report to Congress. I’ve personally met with Border Patrol agents in New York and witnessed their struggle firsthand — they are severely under-supported and left to face this crisis with limited resources. This legislation is not just a necessity; it’s a demand for more transparency from the Biden Administration as it comes to the safety and sovereignty of our nation.”

The Northern Border Security Enhancement and Review Act will:

  • Mandate DHS to conduct and submit a Northern Border Threat Analysis annually, ensuring up-to-date assessments of security risks.
  • Require DHS to update its Northern Border Strategy within 90 days following the annual threat analysis and submit a justification if no updates are needed.
  • Obligate DHS to provide classified briefings to Congress within 30 days after the threat analysis submission.
  • Instruct DHS to develop performance measures for assessing the effectiveness of Air and Marine Operations (AMO) in securing the northern border.

This legislation was introduced with support from cosponsors, Representatives Mike Kelly (R-PA), Ryan Zinke (R-MT),  Michelle Fischbach (R-MN), Kelly Armstrong (R-ND), Lisa McClain (R-MI), Tom Kean, Jr. (R-NJ), John Moolenaar (R-MI), Mike Lawler (R-NY), Pete Stauber (R-MN), Claudia Tenney (R-NY), Tom Tiffany (R-WI), Randy Weber (R-TX), Chris Smith (R-NJ), Carol Miller (R-WV), Dan Newhouse (R-WA), and Elise Stefanik (R-NY). 

“President Biden has let our southern border completely crumble, and because of that, our northern border is now being targeted,” said Congresswoman McClain. “We must do everything possible to secure our borders and protect our homeland. The Northern Border Security Enhancement and Review Act does just that, and I am proud to join Rep. Langworthy and introduce a bill that will send shockwaves throughout the White House.”

Congressman Lawler added, “In the first seven months of Fiscal Year 2024, nearly twice as many individuals on the Known or Suspected Terrorist list were apprehended at our northern border than our southern border. Enough fentanyl has been seized at the northern border to kill over 270 million Americans. In total, nearly twice as many individuals have been apprehended crossing the northern border as the southern border. Yet, despite these disturbing statistics, the crisis at our porous northern border has been even more egregiously overlooked than the crisis at our southern border. That’s why I’ve joined my fellow New Yorker Nick Langworthy and a dozen of our colleagues to introduce the Northern Border Security Enhancement and Review Act. Border security is national security and we must move swiftly to secure both our nation’s land borders.”

“The Biden border crisis isn’t just impacting our southern border; it’s also overwhelming our northern border as a record number of illegals and deadly drugs pour over. Joe Biden has turned every state into a border state,” said Congressman Tiffany.

“Since President Biden took office, there has been an unprecedented surge in illegal crossings at our Northern Border, including an 846% increase across a single sector, threatening our national security and the safety of communities across NY-24,” said Congresswoman Tenney. “The escalating crisis at our Northern Border demands nothing less than decisive and immediate action to safeguard our country. We must immediately enact the Northern Border Security Enhancement and Review Act to create a robust strategy to combat this growing threat at our Northern Border.”

“Over the last few years, the Northern border has seen a surge of illegal drug trafficking and illegal border crossings, including by terror watchlist suspects. This must be addressed. Yet, the Biden Administration has completely ignored the critical and unique challenges facing Northern states,” said Congressman Kelly, Co-Chair of the Northern Border Security Caucus. “The Northern Border Security Enhancement and Review Act requires the Department of Homeland Security to examine the issues facing the U.S.-Canadian border, the longest continuous international border in the world; and, to work with Congress to solve these problems.”

“Thanks to this Administration’s failed border policies, we have seen a rise in fentanyl overdoses, human trafficking, and even known terrorists crossing our borders. These threats are not just coming from the Southern border, but the Northern border, too. This Administration’s Department of Homeland Security is failing our citizens, and now Congress is going to have to step in. House Republicans are committed to national security and government accountability and the Northern Border Security Enhancement and Review Act will push DHS to do its job and address the threats at our northern border,” said Congresswoman Fischbach.

“Last month, I hosted a field hearing in Grand Forks, North Dakota to highlight the crisis at the northern border,” said Congressman Armstrong. “During the field hearing, we discussed that you can’t be farther away from the southern border than Grand Forks, but in every single community across North Dakota, somebody is dying from fentanyl poisoning, and 100 percent of those pills are made by the cartels in Mexico. The Northern Border Security Enhancement and Review Act brings additional attention to our crisis at the Northern Border and finally implements the 2019 GAO recommendations to secure our northern border between ports of entry.”

“As the Biden Administration has continued to ignore the ever-mounting crisis at our Southern Border, we must take action to ensure the same does not occur at our Northern Border,” said Congressman Kean. “This legislation will strengthen our Northern Border and require the Department of Homeland Security to address the current challenges faced there.” 

“The crisis at America’s borders has had a devastating effect on the United States. While the Department of Homeland Security ignores the obvious catastrophes, our northern border is seeing an unprecedented number of illegal crossings and thousands of pounds of fentanyl being trafficked. The Northern Border Security Enhancement and Review Act will produce a comprehensive threat analysis that will give Congress a better ability to protect the United States from outside threats,” said Congresswoman Miller.

Key Background: 

The border between the United States and Canada is the longest international border in the world, spanning 5,525 miles, 11 states with land borders, and two states (Ohio and Pennsylvania) with maritime borders. Through the first 7 months of FY24:

  • 9,460 individuals have been apprehended at the Northern border, compared to 4,849 at the same time in FY23. 
  • 143 individuals on the Known or Suspected Terrorist list have been apprehended, almost double the number apprehended on the Southern Border. 
  • 1,274 pounds of Fentanyl has been seized by U.S. Customs and Border Protection Air and Marine Operations, enough to kill over 270 million Americans. 

The budding Northern Border crisis has received little attention from the Department of Homeland Security. In the last 8 years, DHS has:

  • Released one Congressionally mandated Threat Analysis in 2017.
  • Updated its Northern Border Strategy one time in 2018.
  • Failed to fulfill GAO report recommendations from 2019 requiring specific metrics for the Northern Border.