By Grant Dossetto, KNSI

The Minnesota GOP Congressional delegation has a dim view of the North STAR Act.

In a letter to Governor Tim Walz, the group takes aim at the bill based on several criteria. It would make Minnesota a “sanctuary state,” prohibiting state and local law enforcement from working with U.S. Immigrations and Customs Enforcement and the Department of Homeland Security. The U.S. Marshals Service and Customs and Border Patrol are other agencies where cooperation would be barred.

The congressmen say in the letter that a recent trip to the border helped them understand how bad the current situation is. They say if Minnesota follows many major cities and states in adopting the sanctuary model, we can expect to see the same strain on government services and infrastructure that is crippling places like Denver, New England, and New York City.

They say sanctuary status costs billions of dollars and has led to officials closing parks, recreation centers, and schools to house the influx of illegal migrants. In some places, calls are going out for individuals to welcome immigrants into their personal homes.

The delegation also talks about security concerns. It highlights a recent case out of Bemidji where an 11-year-old was sexually assaulted in a home that was being lived in by a group of 11 illegal immigrants. That occurred in fall 2023. Last month, an active member of the Al-Shabaab terrorist group was arrested in Minneapolis.

The letter was signed by Representatives Pete Stauber, Brad Finstad, Michelle Fischbach, and Tom Emmer. It was also sent to Minnesota House Speaker Melissa Hortman and Senate Majority Leader Erin Murphy.