By Minnesota Corn

Today, the Biden administration announced that it will delay the implementation of a petition allowing year-round Unleaded 88/E15 sales in eight Midwestern states, including Minnesota, until 2025. The Minnesota Corn Growers Association (MCGA) is disappointed in the delay, which injects uncertainty into the 2024 summer driving season and has the potential to adversely impact farm families and rural communities. MCGA urges the administration to prevent any disruption in Unleaded 88 availability by using its existing authority to allow for sales of the biofuel blend this summer.

Submitted by Minnesota Governor Tim Walz and seven other Midwestern governors nearly two years ago, the petition simply addresses an arbitrary, outdated rule that’s not based on the latest emission data. MCGA President Dana Allen-Tully said in a statement that the unnecessary delay is disappointing and could lead to confusion for Midwestern drivers and create uncertainty for retailers and fuel providers.

Approved for use by the EPA in all cars, trucks, and SUVs model year 2001 and newer, Unleaded 88 is a homegrown 15% biofuel blend available at approximately 500 Minnesota fuel stations. Unleaded 88 boosts octane, reduces emissions, and lowers costs—16 cents per gallon on average compared to regular unleaded—while providing consumers additional choice at the pump.

Antiquated federal rules restrict summertime Unleaded 88 sales. Fortunately, the administration used its existing authority to allow Unleaded 88 sales in 2022 and 2023. But MCGA has continued urging Congress and the president to support a long-term, structural solution.

“The optimal fix would be federal legislation ensuring Unleaded 88 can be sold year-round nationwide,” Allen-Tully said. “We’re grateful for the federal lawmakers from both parties who have supported this step, including multiple members of Minnesota’s congressional delegation. But absent a nationwide solution, the petition by the eight Midwestern governors will help provide certainty and maintain the choices at the pump that consumers have come to expect.”

Minnesota Corn is a longtime champion of Unleaded 88 and higher biofuel blends such as E85/flex fuels. In 2021, the Minnesota Corn Research & Promotion Council invested $1 million in a state biofuel infrastructure grant program that helped 44 fuel stations upgrade to equipment compatible with Unleaded 88 and higher biofuel blends. MCGA successfully advocated for state funding for the program as well as another biofuel infrastructure grant program that passed during the 2023 legislative session.

Thanks in part to Minnesota Corn’s efforts, Unleaded 88 sales in Minnesota have been at record levels in recent years. The latest data show that Minnesota broke its previous annual Unleaded 88 sales record in 2023, and Minnesota Corn expects momentum around Unleaded 88 sales to continue in 2024.

MCGA thanks Governor Walz and members of Minnesota’s congressional delegation from both political parties, including Senators Amy Klobuchar and Tina Smith and Representatives Angie Craig, Brad Finstad, and Michelle Fischbach, for their continued efforts to ensure year-round Unleaded 88. Learn more about the biofuel blend and find a station that offers Unleaded 88 near you at