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(Washington, DC) -- A local U.S Congressional representative is sharing why she supports the national "Parents Bill of Rights Act" to be put in place for schools across the country.

Michelle Fischbach, a U.S Congresswoman from Minnesota's Seventh District, is a cosponsor of H.R.5. The bill would give enshrine several rights for parents into law; including the right to review and copy curriculum, meet with teachers no less than twice per year, right to review the budget of schools, inspect reading materials available at the schools, to know if a school employee or contractor uses a different pronoun, marker, or preferred name of a student, or if they allow the student to change sex-based accommodations like restrooms or bathrooms - among several other rights established in the legislation.

"When students had to turn to remote learning, many parents were shocked to see the things that they were learning. [Things] like Critical Race Theory, progressive gender ideology throughout their coursework, "said Representative Fischbach, "And then, when they tried to make their voices heard, they were labeled as domestic terrorists."

Fischbach's comments regarding the use of the words "domestic terrorists" is referring to several Republican Representatives speaking out against U.S Attorney General Merrick Garland, who sent a memo to the FBI and federal prosecutors that spoke of "a disturbing spike in harassment, intimidation, and threats of violence against school administrators, board members, teachers, and staff" during the height of the Covid-19 Pandemic. Garland later spoke with the House Judiciary Committee in October of 2021 saying "The Justice Department supports and defends The First Amendment right of parents to complain as vociferously as they wish about the education of their children." 

"This bill will ensure that parent's rights are protected, that classrooms are places of learning, and that families and educators are all working together when it comes to the education of the next generation, "said Representative Fischback in support of The Parents Bill of Rights.

The bill is now headed to the U.S State Senate for consideration. You can learn more about the bill by clicking here