Washington, D.C. - Today, the Supreme Court overturned the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision. Congresswoman Michelle Fischbach, Co-chair of the Congressional Pro-Life Caucus, applauds this historic decision:
"Today’s Supreme Court decision was a step to protect the most precious and basic right: the right to life. Roe v. Wade was unconstitutional. The pro-life community has always known this. Every innocent life is precious, from conception until natural death, but for nearly five decades, abortion has remained one of the biggest tragedies in our nation.
Thanks to advances in science and modern medicine, the humanity of the unborn child is undeniable. At six weeks, an unborn child has a beating heart and by 15 weeks unborn children can suck their thumbs, have fully formed noses and lips, eyes and eyebrows, and they can feel excruciating pain.
Roe put judges in charge of abortion policy, imposing laws legislated by unelected judges that left Americans without a voice. Now, thanks to this Supreme Court, the American people will be able to decide the issue of abortion through their elected officials.
This is what democracy looks like. Elected leaders, accountable to the people they represent, propose and pass the laws that the people support.
The Constitution gives the people this job. The people are ready to protect life."