WASHINGTON—The Co-Chairs of the Congressional Pro-Life Caucus—Reps. Chris Smith (R-NJ), Michelle Fischbach (R-MN), Andy Harris (R-MD) and Kat Cammack (R-FL)— applauded the Supreme Court’s decision on Dobbs that empowers elected representatives to protect unborn children.

“For decades—right up to this very moment—abortion advocates have gone to extraordinary lengths to ignore, trivialize, and cover up the battered baby victim,” said Rep. Smith. “Today, at long last, Justice Alito writing for the majority of the U.S. Supreme Court has reversed Roe (and Casey) and has returned the power to lawmakers to significantly regulate or even prohibit abortion.”

“Today’s Supreme Court decision was a step to protect the most precious and basic right: the right to life,” said Rep. Fischbach. “Roe put judges in charge of abortion policy, imposing laws legislated by unelected judges that left Americans without a voice. Now, thanks to this Supreme Court, the American people will be able to decide the issue of abortion through their elected officials. This is what democracy looks like. Elected leaders, accountable to the people they represent, propose and pass the laws that the people support. The Constitution gives the people this job. The people are ready to protect life.”

“Finally, the U.S. Supreme Court has overturned the incorrectly determined Roe opinion that treated young human life as not worthy of protection under our Constitution,” said Rep. Harris. “As I have long said, human life should be protected from conception until its natural end, and I am thankful that this ruling now affirms that. It is my hope that this decision will be respected on the legal merits upon which it was written.”

“The monumental news in Dobbs v. Jackson is historic,” said Rep. Cammack. “Since the founding of our nation, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness have been key tenets in the United States, and today’s news has solidified our most basic right—the right to life. For the most vulnerable among us, this decision affirms the undeniable value of life and the protection and respect for all unborn children. This is a historic day. Life wins!”

“Now, more than ever, women and men of conscience must act to protect the weakest and most vulnerable,” Smith said.