Washington, D.C. – Today, Congresswoman Michelle Fischbach (MN-07) and Congressman Scott Peters (CA-52) introduced the Promoting Ties with Taiwan Act, a bipartisan bill that will encourage growth of relations between Taiwan and new international partners. The bill would require the Secretary of State to develop a strategy to help Taiwan foster new bonds of friendship and trading connections around the world to prevent Taiwan’s isolation.

“Taiwan is a valued friend and an important trading partner for the United States. I’m proud to propose concrete steps that our government can take towards encouraging similar relationships between Taiwan and other countries around the world,” said Rep. Fischbach. “I hope to see a cascade of new friendships for the Taiwanese founded on mutual respect and trade benefits.”

“Taiwan is one of our leading partners in the Asia-Pacific. Our bill will deploy America’s diplomatic strength to reduce the coercive influences designed to isolate Taiwan by requiring the State Department to help Taiwan foster closer relations with the rest of the world,” said Rep. Peters. “Peace in the Taiwan Strait is an enduring security interest for the United States, Taiwan, allies, and partners committed to a rules-based international order that promotes the prosperity and interests of all. It is an honor to help introduce this bipartisan legislation and I look forward to leading this effort with my colleagues."

"Taiwan's rapid economic growth and remarkable transition to democracy make it a global success story -- one that can serve as an example for other nations to emulate. Taiwan can help -- but is too often prevented from doing so by Communist China's relentless and irrational campaign of bullying and checkbook diplomacy," said Rep. Tiffany. "This legislation is an important step toward helping Taiwan overcome those obstacles to share its expertise and it's goodwill around the world."

 “I am proud to stand with my colleagues as an original co-sponsor of the Promoting Ties with Taiwan Act. A strong relationship between our two nations is imperative, as the United States remains one of Taiwan’s largest trading partners,” said Rep. Emmer. “It’s time we develop a comprehensive strategy to support Taiwan, expand their global partnerships, and advance a more unified future with our allies.”

“Taiwan is a beacon of freedom and democracy in East Asia and it’s in America’s best interest to grow Taiwan’s partnerships with the international community. This important bill will help preserve and promote Taiwan’s positive political, economic and cultural connections with other countries and international organizations,” said Rep. Bacon.

“We cannot wait any longer to do everything we can as a nation to bolster Taiwan,” said Congressman Tim Ryan. “China gets more aggressive every single day, and this legislation will go a long way in helping Taiwan to engage on the world stage. I look forward to its swift passage and seeing it signed into law.”

“Taiwan and the United States have enjoyed a special relationship for many years, including Kansas’ Big First district,” said Rep. Mann. “The Promoting Ties with Taiwan Act will not only help build on this foundation that will improve our relationship, but will also help the Taiwanese people develop partnerships with allies around the world. I’m proud to cosponsor this bill, and excited for Taiwan’s future.”

"The U.S. and Taiwan have long maintained a strong partnership. This bill takes steps to further integrate Taiwan into the international community to counter growing threats from the Chinese Communist Party," said Rep. Costa. "Taiwan has much to contribute to the world. We must do what we can to counter Chinese efforts to erode self-determination and democracy for the people of Taiwan."

For more information, you can read the one-page summary here and the bill text here.

Michelle Fischbach is a wife, mom, grandma, attorney, and the U.S. Representative for Minnesota’s Seventh Congressional District. Get updates from Rep. Fischbach’s congressional office on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.